A Mark of Safety

by Jeffery Taylor
Aviation Consultant
WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics

They are extremely important, yet get very little attention. “They” are airport runway markings. The Wisconsin Bureau of Aeronautics ensures the markings of paved and turf runways at public-use general aviation airports in Wisconsin. It’s part of the bureau’s airport improvement and safety program.

Safety is the object of this program. That is accomplished by providing correct and clear painted markings on paved runways. In the case of turf strips, marking cones are used.

Each year, the bureau of aeronautics creates a list of potential runways for marking projects. Considerations include – the runway marking condition report from the most recent 5010 airport inspection; a review of runways with newly established instrument approaches, with inadequate or improper markings; or a request by a bureau project manager or airport sponsor.

In addition, prior to an airport being added to the project list, its approaches must be clear of all obstructions, and it cannot be scheduled for improvement with state or federal funds – with runway markings scheduled as part of those improvements during the next two years.

The program is state-funded with approximately $75,000 allocated for general aviation airport markings each year. Since 2008, 31 Wisconsin airports have benefited from this mark of safety.

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