Published in Midwest Flyer – October/November 2019 Issue
OSHKOSH, WIS. – Wipaire, Inc. has announced a partnership with the Seaplane Pilots Association (SPA) to increase support of pro-seaplane initiatives by sponsoring lifetime memberships for its customers.
“Beginning July 22, 2019, all new owners of Wipline floats will receive complimentary lifetime membership with the Seaplane Pilots Association,” said Chuck Wiplinger, third generation president of the family-owned aircraft float manufacturer, headquartered in South St. Paul, Minnesota. “This increases awareness and participation for our customers on the many benefits of joining SPA.”
Steven McCaughey, Executive Director of SPA, said: “SPA serves as the resource for seaplane pilot education, which is helpful for new float owners. Through lifetime membership, they’ll receive discounts on insurance, access to safety seminars and be able to enjoy our events and splash-ins.”
McCaughey continued: “Our lifetime members provide support critical to our advocacy. This includes our efforts to maintain open waterways and work with government entities to create pro-seaplane legislation. Partnering with Wipaire for lifetime membership supports the mission of SPA: Protecting and Promoting Water Flying. We truly appreciate this exclusive benefit being included with the purchase of new Wipline floats.”
The Seaplane Pilots Association’s primary focus is to promote safe seaplane operations and protect the privilege to share the nation’s waterways with recreational, governmental and commercial operators.
SPA field directors and members work around the nation to ensure the fair access to water flight. They do this by working with pilots, communities and governing agencies to resolve conflicts and ensure fair and equal access through positive outreach, that includes educating policy-makers and the public through educational programs and videos so that these decisions can be made from an informed perspective, versus one made on assumptions by those not familiar with seaplanes and seaplane operations. SPA is the only organization in the world solely dedicated to working on these issues for seaplane pilots and operators at a local, state and national level.
For additional information, call Steven McCaughey at 863-701-7979 or email (