Published in Midwest Flyer – February/March 2018 issue
Under the leadership of Steve Guetter, President of the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association (MSPA), the organization’s annual safety seminar and fly-in will be held May 18-20, 2018 at Madden’s Resort on Gull Lake, Brainerd, Minn.
Whether seaplane rated or not, the safety seminar is worth attending, as much of the information presented can be applied to both floatplane flying and flying aircraft on wheels, and Madden’s Resort can accommodate both! The resort operates its own seaplane base on Gull Lake, and East Gull Lake Airport (9Y2), located adjacent to the resort. Courtesy shuttle service is provided between the airport and the resort.
Some of the key partners in organizing the seminar are the Minnesota DOT Office of Aeronautics, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and industry leaders, manufacturers and flight instructors.
A record 185 people attended the banquet in 2017 to listen to AOPA President Mark Baker’s presentation. The featured banquet speaker this year will be Jeff Skiles, First Officer of US Airways Flight 1549.
On January 15, 2009, Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger and Skiles landed an Airbus A320-214 safely in the Hudson River on what was to be a routine flight from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, N.C. About 3 minutes into the flight during their initial climb-out, the aircraft struck a flock of Canada geese, causing both engines to quickly lose power. All 155 passengers and crew onboard evacuated the aircraft safely. Skiles, who is seaplane rated, will share the experience with fellow pilots, which he believes was anything but a “Miracle on the Hudson.”
Hosting the seminar will be Ben Thuringer and his father, Brian, of Madden’s Resort, who are both active pilots and aircraft owners.
A variety of accommodations are available at Madden’s, from rooms in the lodge, to private cabins along the lakeshore. For additional information on Madden’s Resort, visit
All pilots are welcomed to attend. A seaplane rating is not required!
For additional information, contact Steve Guetter at or call 952-484-9457 ( Sponsorships and booth space are available for commercial exhibitors.
EDITOR’S NOTE: The purpose of the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association is to promote seaplane flying and safety programs pertaining to seaplane operations throughout the state; promote a forum for the purpose of approaching government officials, to educate them, the legislature and the public on seaplane operations; and create safe and compatible seaplane base facilities throughout the state of Minnesota (