by Jeffery Taylor – WisDOT Aviation Consultant
The 2011-2012 Wisconsin Airport Directory and Pilot’s Guide has arrived from the printer. Beyond updating information at each of the 133 airports open to the public in Wisconsin, this edition includes many changes and new features.
Most obvious is the transition to color aerial photos of all public-use airports. All of the aerial images are from July 2010, providing the most up-to-date imagery ever used. Also, for the first time, the directory includes many “seaplanes bases.” Another cosmetic but significant change is the binding, which is now side-spiral-bound, instead of top-bound.
In addition, at airports where an AWOS-3 is located, notations signifying the special features of that system have been added. If a “P” is listed, it means this system will report precipitation identification and intensity, which is always useful information with Wisconsin’s challenging weather. If a “T” is noted, it means a system that also provides thunderstorm reporting.
In keeping with modern electronics, an iPad version is available where the entire directory is available as one PDF file with bookmarks, so you can easily jump to the page you want. Or you can find an individual page at our website:
Updates are made often between printed editions, so check back frequently. As an example, one significant change occurred after we sent this edition to the printer: Marshfield (MFI) Runway 4-22 has changed to 5-23.
Directories will be mailed to aircraft owners who have paid their annual registration fee. They can also be purchased at your local fixed base operator, or directly from WisDOT by sending $3.00 to: Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Maps & Publication, 3617 Pierstorff, PO Box 7713, Madison, WI 53707-7713. 608-246-3265.
If you have an idea to improve the directory, please contact: Jeff Taylor – – 608-266-7347.