WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics
Getting young people interested in pursuing careers in aeronautics, science and engineering, while spreading the message about the importance of aviation, helps ensure the vitality of the industry for decades to come. As part of this effort, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bureau of Aeronautics sponsored its annual statewide poster design competition as part of the International Aviation Art Contest for youth of all ages. This year’s theme was “World Air Games.”
Nine young people from around the state won top honors in this year’s contest. The top three entries, in three different age groups, now advance to the National Aviation Art Contest for judging in Washington, D.C.
The 2015 winners are as follows:
Junior Category (6-9)
1st Place: Destiny Gonzalez, age 9
2nd Place: Bridget Hagensick, age 9
3rd Place: Anna Allen, age 9
Intermediate Category (10-13)
1st Place: Sarah Drogseth, age 12
2nd Place: Ayris Modica, age 13
3rd Place: Jenny Li, age 13
Senior Category (14-17)
1st Place: Connor Anderson, age 17
2nd Place: Brooke Kowalski, age 16
3rd Place: Jessie Gates, age 15
First place winners had the option of selecting a $100 art supply gift certificate or an airplane ride for two as their prize. Second and third place winners received a $75 and $50 art supply gift certificate, respectively.
The Wisconsin winning works of art will be judged with entries from across the country in the three age groups. The first, second and third place national winners, in each age group, will receive a certificate, ribbon and framed reproduction of their artwork. In addition, they will advance to the international competition for worldwide judging in Switzerland.
To see all the winning posters visit WisDOT’s website: http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/doing-bus/aeronautics/education/art2015.aspx