by Cassandra Isackson
Director, Minnesota DOT Office of Aeronautics
Published in Midwest Flyer – February/March 2019 issue
With the new year well underway, we are looking forward to another year of exciting events and opportunities in aviation around the state.
About the MAMTC
The 2019 Minnesota Aviation Maintenance Technician Conference will once again take place at the at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota on March 25th and 26th. Registration is open and early registration ends March 15th. There are two ways to complete your registration. You can register online at:, or download the registration form. Complete the form and mail it with your payment, to the address listed on the bottom of the form.
There will be a host of vendors showing the latest technologies, tools and tips for aviation maintenance technicians. If you would like more information, visit the conference website at, or contact Darlene Dahlseide at or 651-234-7248.
News from NASAO
I am very pleased to let you know that the National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) has chosen Shelley Simi (December 14, 2018) as its new President and CEO. Shelly’s extensive industry experience, as well as her deep and abiding passion for aviation, will ensure NASAO’s continued success in serving the public interest to sustain, advance and promote aviation in our respective states. We will be hosting NASAO’s annual Conference September 7-11th at the Intercontinental Hotel in St. Paul. We will be sending out a call for exhibitors, presentations and speakers soon. Please watch for more information and join us in September!
About The SASP
We continue to make progress on updating Minnesota’s State Aviation System Plan (SASP). The SASP is part of MnDOT’s Family of Plans, which stem from the Minnesota GO 50-year Vision. The Vision outlines what Minnesotans desire from the state’s transportation system and identifies key guiding principles MnDOT strives to achieve. The SASP:
– Sets goals for the aviation system
– Identifies aviation needs, and
– Creates a direction for the future
You can review and provide comments about the SASP by going to:
Please continue to be active in aviation wherever you are in Minnesota. Attend multiple FAA Safety Seminars where you will have wonderful opportunities to network with fellow aviators and learn ways to become a better, safer pilot.