Harold (Green):
I read with great interest your article on traffic patterns (Pilot Proficiency, Dec 2015/Jan 2016). I think it is a good idea to remind pilots of the correct procedure for approach, landing, and departing from an uncontrolled airport. However, I do have to say that you did leave out some important information on the correct terminology to be used at such airports.
In your article, you gave a typical pilot report for someone approaching an airport. You wrote: “Typically, we say something like Piper 12345, 5 miles west, landing Morey Airport.”
This would have been a perfect place to put in the correct procedure. According to AIM chapter 4-1-9.G.6.A (examples), the pilot should announce:
1. Name of the airport he/she is approaching.
2. Aircraft type.
3. Registration number.
4. Altitude.
5. Position in relation to the airport.
6. How they intend to enter the pattern.
7. What runway they intend to land on.
8. Full stop or touch and go.
9. (Repeat) Name of the airport he/she is approaching.
While I think your idea of letting the other pilots know the performance of their aircraft is a good idea, it is not mentioned in the AIM.
Your personal experience with a throttle jockey flying by you while in the pattern is a case study of a pilot who is only concerned about himself, and in the process, is putting your and his life in jeopardy. I can only hope that you had a conversation with this guy later.
Richard Schmidt
Light Sport Pilot
Plymouth, Minnesota
Dear Richard:
Thank you for reading my article and taking the time to share your thoughts. I agree with the AIM procedure list you mentioned, however, I wrote the article directed toward people like yourself who already have an appreciation for what is proper procedure and omitted several items that could have been included, but due to limited space, were not.
As to the pilot flying the aircraft I referred to, yes, we did have a conversation after we were on the ground. Unfortunately, he was not very receptive to constructive criticism.
Harold Green, CFII & FAASTeam Representative
Morey Airplane Company
Middleton Municipal Airport Morey Field (C29)
Middleton, Wisconsin