by Richard Cross
Published in Midwest Flyer – October/November 2020 issue
We all use them – hangar doors! Cirrus Flight Operations, Inc., not to be confused with Cirrus Aircraft, would like to introduce Kada Goalen to the aviation community with her new look for old aircraft hangar doors.
Kada grew up in Minnesota, studied art and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She also studied and trained in Florence, Italy. After college she started her own business, “Kada-Creative,” and began painting murals for businesses and homes.
Kada has been creating and painting for over 20 years. Relying on her talent and experience, she looks forward to every project and challenge her clients set forth. Each project is unique and exciting!
Kada lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and has no aviation experience, other than trips to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh. But she is intrigued by the whole idea of flight, which is reflected in her work.
“Dick Cross, owner of Cirrus Flight Operations, located at Anoka County-Blaine Airport in the Twin Cities, came to me to liven up their hangar,” says Kada. “The hangar was very monochromatic and in need of some color. I was able to take their logo and incorporate it into a simple design that would fit with the aesthetics of the airport.
“The design is clean and simple and can be enhanced later with more art elements. The hangar door is a great canvas to show their clients and customers what they represent, and to bring some interest to an otherwise dull space. The mural captures the viewer’s eye and personalizes the space.”
Kada likes to collaborate fully with businesses and individuals to capture their specific “look and feel.” She can take any space, wall, hangar door – you name it – and elevate the aesthetics of a business or individual with a unique art design.
For additional information or a project quote, contact Kada Goalen at Kada Creative llc: 651-592-3816 or email or Instagram: @kada_creative (