As the publisher of several aviation publications since 1978, I have had many opportunities to work with pilots and aviation leaders who have affected the course of aviation. While we…
Author: Dave Weiman
Michigan’s Mackinac Island
Pick a hotel or bed and breakfast, downtown or on the outskirts of town, and you will enjoy your stay on Mackinac Island. Since shortly after we started publishing the…
2025 Canada Fishing Fly-Out To Miminiska Lodge
Our preferred fishing destination since 2007! The 2025 Canada Fishing Fly-Out to Miminiska Lodge in northwest Ontario (CPS5), will be held August 3 – 8. We will arrive on Sunday,…
State Airport Association Hosts Annual Conference In Wisconsin’s Capital City
Jim Schell, President of the Wisconsin Airport Management Association (WAMA), and manager of Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, welcomed members and attendees to the Wisconsin Aviation Conference, October 2-4,…
Jeff Skiles Retires From American Airlines, But Continues His Career In General Aviation
Jeff Skiles of Oregon, Wisconsin, has retired from American Airlines. Skiles is most widely known as the First Officer on U.S. Airways Flight 1549 in which he and Capt. Chesley…
Memorial To Manifesto!
In May, Peggy and I planned a flight from Madison, Wisconsin (KMSN) to Sulfur Springs, Texas (KSLR), to attend a family wedding at nearby Emery, Texas. Unlike most of our hops in our Cessna 182, the 645 nm flight would require a fuel stop, and depending on the weather, we built in some alternates, mostly based on distance, but also on the availability of rental cars, restaurants and fuel prices. While I enjoy stopping in at small rural airports, few offer the amenities you need if stranded, so we tried to select mid to executive-size airports. And of course, we don’t leave home without Foreflight which is loaded with good information.
A Day @ The Airport
It was July 3, and I was waiting for my flight instructor to arrive at my airport once the fog lifted at his airport to give me my biennial flight review. While I waited, I reviewed some performance data for my Cessna 182, including emergency and short-field takeoff and landing procedures, best angle and rate of climb speeds, etc. It was a good review, and you never know what your instructor might ask you.