BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Aviation Council (NDAC), consisting of eight aviation organizations, held an “Aviation Day At The Capitol” in Bismarck, February 8, 2013. The council wanted to promote aviation within the state and present its concerns before the general public and state elected officials. It was an opportunity to showcase the role aviation plays in the state’s economy, and explain why airports and airplanes are important to North Dakota. The council also wanted to rally support for a one-time, $60 million grant proposed by Gov. Jack Dalrymple to help repair airport infrastructure in western North Dakota, where an oil boom has led to record growth and airports are being used extensively. The council also emphasized the need for a separate $9.45 million infusion to the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission’s General Fund, which, despite significant increases to annual enplanements at airports throughout the state, has not had its appropriation level raised in 25 years. The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) joined the council in sponsoring this event.