February 19-20 – Lansing, Mich. Michigan Airport Conference, Lansing Center. www.michairports.org
March 1 – Deadline for Minnesota Aviation Trades Association (MATA) Flight Training and Aviation Technician Scholarships. MATA is sponsoring two $1,000 scholarships to be used for flight training at a MATA-member flight school, and one $1,000 maintenance scholarship to any certified school. To apply, applicants should submit a 200-word essay describing their background, goals, and aspirations in aviation to either Kreg Anderson or Mark Schwichtenberg: kanderson@alexandriamn.city or mschwichtenberg@stcloudaviation.com.
March 19 – Annual AOPA R.A. “Bob” Hoover Trophy Reception. 6:30 pm at Historic Lobby Terminal A at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Arlington, Va. For details email memberservices@mail.aopa.org. For hotel reservations contact Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport, 2799 Richmond Hwy, Arlington VA 22202. Exclusive Discounted Room Rates: 15% off (rates vary closer to event date).
April 12 – Prior Lake, Minnesota. 2025 Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Banquet, Mystic Lake Center, Minnetonka Ballroom. For details: https://mahof.org/awards-banquet/
May 3 – Breezy Point, Minnesota. 10th Annual Breezy Point Aviation Day, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Breezy Point Airport, Muller Field (8MN3). Fly-in and classic car show. Pilots are required to contact Cliff Muller at 218-838-3434 for permission to fly in and must watch video at www.breezypointairport.com in advance. Unicom:122.9 Mhz.
May 16-17 – Buffalo Minn. Great Minnesota Aviation Gathering (GMAG), Buffalo Municipal Airport (KCFE), info@mnpilots.org.
June 17-20 – Women pilots from across the United States and around the world will take off Tuesday, June 17 from H. L. “Sonny” Callahan Airport in Fairhope, Alabama, for a 2,426-statute mile competition across 9 states that ends Friday, June 20 at Felts Field in Spokane, Washington. For more information, go to airraceclassic.org. Follow Air Race Classic on Facebook. On Instagram: @airraceclassicinc.
August 16-17 – Granite Falls, Minnesota. Fagen Fighters WWII Museum “250th Anniversary of the U.S. Navy & Marines.” Navy and Marines WWII Aircraft Reunion, Guest Speakers, WWII Reenactors, WWII Vehicles, Food and more! www.fagenfighterswwiimuseum.com
September 4-6 – Outlander Airport, Mt. Vernon, Ill., Midwest Aviation Expo.
September 20-21 – Pokagon State Park on Lake James. 23rd Annual Indiana Seaplane Pilots Association Splash-In. For details email zack.willig@gmail.com or call 630-470-2935.