by Greg Reigel According to the FAA, the answer is “yes.” This question was discussed and answered in a recent legal interpretation issued by the FAA’s Office of Chief Counsel….
Category: February/March 2012
Letter From Glenn Hake
Letter To The Editor: I’m glad to see Dave Weiman’s opinions concerning industry reform. I think he is barely scratching the surface. The crux of General Aviation’s decline is the…
Letter From Marilyn Meline
Hi Dave: I thought you might be interested in the progress of my grandnephew, Aaron Wolmutt. If you recall, earlier this year I contacted you for information about flight schools…
Chicago Executive Airport Marks 25 Years of Municipal Ownership
PROSPECT HEIGHTS/WHEELING, ILL. – The City of Prospect Heights, the Village of Wheeling and members of the Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the airport’s…
Garmin Releases GTN 750 Pilot Training App For iPad2
GARMIN International, known for its top-tier navigation devices, has just released a new Garmin GTN 750 pilot training app for the iPad 2. The app replicates the GTN 750 system…
Stoutness Makes The Difference In Hangar Doors According To Private Airport Owner/Engineer
by Dick Hagen I researched over a year what I wanted to do. I met Dave Schweiss at the Florida ‘Fun in the Sun’ air show and both Dave and Mike…
Some Ruminations On Aeronautical Decision-Making
by Harold Green Please be advised that this discussion includes some whining and preaching! No panacea absolving pilots of fault for bad decisions is offered, and no single solution is…
Know The Weather & Be Flexible To Fly Another Day
by Jeffery Taylor Aviation Consultant WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics Flying in the Midwest can be a challenge. The weather, especially in fall and winter, is often unpredictable and can quickly…
Small Airport To Be Sold To Raise Money To Fund Larger Airport
OZARK, MO. – Air Park South, located west of Ozark, Missouri, is being sold with proceeds from the sale going to Springfield-Branson National Airport for general aviation improvements. Both the…
White House Wants User Fees
User fees were supposed to be off the table, but the Obama Administration says that it needs the money to help reduce the deficit, despite the federal excise taxes we…