From the Civil Air Patrol
Published in Midwest Flyer – June/July 2020 issue
EDITOR’S NOTE & DISCLAIMER: The following recommendations are from the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and Textron Aviation, as the CAP fleet is made up of primarily Cessna aircraft. Aircraft owners are urged to contact their aircraft manufacturer and technician for specific instructions and recommendations on how best to care for their aircraft and avionics.
To safely operate their aircraft and vehicles during the COVID-19 outbreak, the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) needs to disinfect and sanitize them to keep their personnel safe. The following video was created by the CAWG to demonstrate the sanitizing of aircraft and vehicles for COVID-19. Remember to never spray anything directly onto the screens of avionics or displays. Lysol can be used, as well as the bleach solution they demonstrate using in this video:
Textron has also issued guidance about caring for CAP aircraft during COVID-19. The CAP still recommends the use of a bleach solution or Lysol for disinfecting/sanitizing aircraft if these chemicals are not available. This is a bit different than the soap and water recommended below. Soap and water will clean soiled items, but will not disinfect/sanitize the items cleaned as Textron notes in their instructions. Also notice that Textron specifically recommends that a alcohol solution be used on all electronic displays and that bleach solutions and Lysol not be used on these components. Here is the link to the Textron Aviation website:
Textron Aviation is closely aligned with the guidance of government and local public health authorities in the regions CAP operates to ensure that all necessary actions and precautions are taken.
Zip-Chem Calla 1452 and Netbiokem DSAM may be used to disinfect an aircraft interior.1 In testing performed by Textron Aviation’s materials engineering team, these products did not adversely affect samples of hard surfaces, interior leather, or windows. Aircraft interiors furnished with custom-based materials may need further evaluation by spot-testing on an inconspicuous area.
If you’re unable to attain these disinfectants due to shortages, CAP recommends these alternative cleaning options. (Please note, cleaning may remove germs, viruses and other contaminants from surfaces, but may not be effective to kill them):
• Aircraft furnishings: We recommend using isopropyl alcohol (IPA)/water mix (60% IPA/40% water, by volume). For best results, wipe the surface with an IPA/water mix and let it dry. This mix can also be sprayed onto soft surfaces, like carpet, but do not use this IPA/water mix on aircraft leather and windows.
• Leather and windows: Any commercially available soap and water, such as dishwashing soap, can be used.
• Electronic displays: For glass products with anti-reflective (AR) coating, use a concentration of greater than 50% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) with a micro-fiber cloth to prevent scratches. Do not use bleach or Lysol® wipes, or any cleaners with Citric Acid or Sodium Bicarbonate, as these (products) can etch the coating on these displays. AR glass is used on displays and touchscreens on the Garmin G1000, G3000, and G5000 systems, as well as on the Collins Proline21 and Proline Fusion. Do not use IPA on acrylic, Lexan, or Polycarbonate screens, such as the Garmin GNS 430/530.
The following options are not approved for use in Textron Aviation aircraft:
• Ozone generators: Ozone can be highly reactive to organic materials. Depending on its degree of ozonation, this method may degrade surfaces or rubber hoses.
• Hydrogen Peroxide: Any solution of hydrogen peroxide may evaporate when used as a mist, degrading leathers, acrylic, or polycarbonate window coatings.
• In the EU, we request that any aircraft being brought to a Textron Aviation facility for maintenance is first disinfected in accordance with EASA Safety Directive 2020-02 Operational measures to prevent the spread of Coronavirus ‘SARS-CoV-2’ infection. While the CAP is still confirming availability at all EU company-owned locations, their contracted cleaning service providers may be able to support this directive. Your Textron Aviation representative can provide you with additional information.
1. These solutions are recommended by their manufacturers as generally effective against human coronavirus strains. Textron Aviation is not aware if they have been specifically tested for effectiveness against COVID-19.