Oshkosh air traffic procedures are required reading for all aviators flying to AirVenture
OSHKOSH, WIS. – The Federal Aviation Administration has released the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2015 Notice To Airmen (NOTAM), featuring arrival and departure procedures for EAA’s 63rd annual fly-in convention, July 20-26, at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh.
The NOTAM, which is in effect 6 a.m. CDT on Friday, July 17, until noon CDT on July 27, outlines procedures for the many types of aircraft that fly to Oshkosh for the event, as well as aircraft that land at nearby airports.
The cover of this year’s NOTAM features a photo of a ground volunteer directing taxiing aircraft at Wittman Regional Airport. The NOTAM was designed by FAA, in partnership with EAA, to assist pilots in their EAA AirVenture flight planning.
While the overall procedure is similar to past years, there are some changes compared to the 2014 version. Some of those changes include:
· MOA active in central Wisconsin.
· TFRs near Milwaukee, July 25-26.
· Fisk VFR arrival description.
· Communication frequency updates.
· IFR departure routings.
The PDF version of the NOTAM can be downloaded (www.eaa.org/~/media/files/airventure/flyingin/2015-notam.pdf) through the EAA AirVenture website or pilots can request a free printed copy by calling EAA Membership Services at 800-564-6322. Printed copies will be mailed after the FAA completes printing the NOTAM, which at press time, was anticipated to be completed in May. Additional hints and tips for pilots arriving at and departing from EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2015 is available at the AirVenture website: www.eaa.org/airventure.