Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2017
OSHKOSH, WIS. – The Experimental Aircraft Association’s Sport Pilot Academy, which immerses people in a three-week course that concludes with earning a Sport Pilot Certificate, returns in 2017 with three sessions throughout the year.
The all-inclusive course at EAA headquarters in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, features dedicated aircraft and instructors focused on successful completion of sport pilot training. The training eliminates many of the scheduling and other barriers that limit the ability of individuals to pursue a pilot certificate on their own.
The spring session is May 20-June 10, while the fall academy is September 9-30. In addition, a new Sport Pilot Academy for former EAA Young Eagles will be held in August, with scholarships provided through funds raised at the annual Gathering of Eagles event during EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.
The total cost for the three-week session that includes all flight training, housing, and meals is $9,999. For more information or to apply for the general sessions, go to or call 800-JOIN-EAA (800-564-6322).