Published online Midwest Flyer Magazine – February/March 2021
FARGO, N.D. – The Fargo Air Museum (FAM) is partnering with local aviation businesses to offer “Introduction to Aviation” camps for area youth. These camps provide an opportunity for participants to learn about different areas of aviation through exciting interactive experiences. This comes as part of the museum’s efforts to expand educational programming for kids and teens in the community.
The first Introduction to Aviation camp was held January 23, 2021 and was focused on interactive drones. The museum is partnering with iSight RPV to explain the fundamentals of unmanned aircraft systems and allow campers to experience a live drone flight. During the March camp, participants will get the opportunity to take to the air when volunteer pilots from EAA Chapter 317 will teach the principles of flight and offer 20-minute EAA Young Eagles flights over the Fargo/Moorhead area.
The Introduction to Aviation camps are being offered on an alternating monthly schedule opposite the “Turn It, Build It” advanced STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) camps which were introduced at the end of 2020. For additional information and registration, go to