Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – April/May 2021 issue
Since the Wisconsin Bureau of Aeronautics (BOA) was unable to host its annual seminar in 2020, the bureau has released a series of free recorded webinars for airport managers, consultants, and other airport stakeholders. The webinars may be accessed on the BOA website at:, or they can be viewed directly via the links below. Additional webinars are in the works and will be announced once available. BOA officials hope you find these webinars helpful and encourage you to share them with anyone else that might be interested:
Airport Legislative and Funding Update
(12:50 runtime)
Mark Graczykowski – Airport Program Engineer, BOA
Learn about the status of state and federal legislation related to airport project funding and what impact it might have on the outlook for future airport projects.
FAA Airports District Office Update
(6:50 runtime)
Deb Bartell – Chicago ADO Manager, FAA
Find out how entitlement, discretionary, supplemental and CARES Act funding at Wisconsin airports in fiscal year 2020 compared with previous years. Also hear about FAA grant administration priorities and learn more about annual milestone dates at the Chicago ADO to help keep your airport project on track.
Wisconsin Accident Statistics and How to Encourage Safe Piloting at your Airport
(27:25 runtime)
Jurg Grossenbacher – FAAST Team, FAA Milwaukee Flight Standards District Office
This webinar provides an overview of recent trends in Wisconsin accident statistics, what the FAA Safety Team is doing to address these trends, and how you can get involved to try and encourage safe piloting at your airport. Find out who to call if you feel someone is flying dangerously.
The Fundamentals of Airport Compliance
(34:29 runtime)
Hal Davis – Airport Compliance Program Manager, BOA
A basic understanding of airport compliance is essential for anyone with a hand in managing or governing an airport. In this webinar, you’ll learn what state and federal rules must be followed if your airport accepts a grant for an airport improvement project and how to avoid common violations. Also, find out about the complaint process and what happens if an airport is found in noncompliance.
The Importance of the Airport Planning Process
(1:49:45 runtime)
Mark Graczykowski – Airport Program Engineer, BOA
Sandy Lyman – Community Planner, FAA Chicago Airports District Office
Today, proper airport planning is a prerequisite for any airport development project. In this webinar, find out what purpose airport planning serves, learn the difference between master plans, narrative reports, and airport layout plans and how good the planning process can benefit other facets of airport improvement projects.