The Mn/DOT Aeronautics Technical Bulletin is published in the interest of aviation safety and to actively promote aeronautical progress in the state and nation. It is our continuing goal to provide timely, interesting and useful articles on subjects of importance and value to the aviation community and industry.
This Technical Bulletin is produced in Minnesota, however, it is generally written to benefit aviators anywhere. While we often hear from Minnesota readers, we also occasionally hear from readers in other states. Collectively, they often provide us with thought-provoking questions, and share some great information with us. We appreciate that kind of support, assistance, and teamwork.
Aviation is something of a total team effort, even when we fly solo. Thus, the information and feedback we receive from our readers helps us to be sure we are meeting their general informational needs and desires.
Thanks for reading our Technical Bulletins. Thanks for flying safely, and also for being a wonderful resource of information for us whenever we call on you.
You are appreciated!
Dan McDowell, Editor
Minnesota Aeronautics Bulletin
MnDOT Office of Aeronautics