SPRINGFIELD, ILL. – The “spirit” of aviation, which is embodied in the passion of those who make general aviation their vocation, is alive and well with this year’s Illinois Aviation Conference to be held May 24 – 25, 2011 at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Springfield, Illinois.
Speakers will include Barry Cooper, Regional Administrator, Great Lakes Region of the Federal Aviation Administration; Nel Stubbs, vice president and co-owner of Conklin & de Decker; and Jackie Rosser of the National Air Transportation Association (NATA). A “hangar party” will be held at Standard Aero at the Springfield Airport on May 24.
To register for the conference, contact the Illinois Aviation Trades Association at 217-528-5230, ext. 101, or refer to www.illinoisaviation.org. For hotel reservations, contact the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel at 217-544-8800.
The Illinois Aviation Trades Association, Illinois Public Airports Association, and the Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics sponsor the Illinois Aviation Conference.
The Illinois Aviation Conference is also home to the Illinois Aviation Hall of Fame (IAHF) banquet and the Illinois DOT Division of Aeronautics Awards Luncheon to be held Wednesday, May 25, 2011. These are great opportunities to meet both legends within the industry and leading individuals in general aviation. Hall of Fame tickets must be purchased directly from the IAHF thru Shari Jobst, 2921 Sterling Drive, McHenry, Illinois 60050 (checks only). For additional information on the IAHF call (815) 385-7277.