by Randy Strebig
President, Indiana Seaplane Pilots Association
Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine December 2023 Digital Issue
OUTSTANDING!! Might be the ultimate summary in a single word to describe the 21st Annual Indiana Seaplane Pilots Association Splash-In, September 23-24, 2023, on Lake James at Pokagon State Park in Angola, Indiana. A glorious Midwest September weekend delivered the nearly perfect conditions for a splash-in. The event resulted in 33 seaplanes participating and volunteers were second to none!
Once again, the event reported a 100% safety record. Jakob Mckenney, who is a walking Wikipedia of all things airplanes, participated again as the announcer. Randy Rhodes and his daughter, Sara, along with Scott Millard, seamlessly handled the Friday and Saturday aircraft operations. And it seems that I could no longer make this event happen without Joe Willig as my wingman.
We had a beautiful evening for our Saturday evening barbecue and bonfire at my airstrip on the other side of the lake. Once again, our local Land O’ Lakes Lions Club prepared our evening meal.
We dropped four skydivers into our airstrip (myself-included) from our Maule on floats flown by Allison Wheaton. Upon landing, a note was delivered to me by my niece, Aubry, and by AJ Balyeat, that when read aloud, surprised many that Allison and I would be getting married. A crew rushed over to set up a beautiful scene in the trees, alongside the taxiway that included white lights strung from the trees and a piano for Allison’s grandmother to play. The short, but sweet ceremony opened with “Chaps,” the white pony, carrying saddle bags with rose pedals spread by Allison’s niece, Clara, and our German Shepard, Jack, bringing the rings. Jacob Balyeat officiated, ending with a “you may high five your bride!!” And yes, a customary kiss. Along with our seaplane friends, we had our hometown friends, and our families present to witness the fun.
After the celebration, we got back to the food and the bonfire where we opened the poker hands. Allison, and her brother-in-law, Kevin, a seaplane pilot from Seattle, Washington, had the winning hand and took home a very cool laser cut LED backlit seaplane wall hanging, and of course the loot. The spot landing runner-up was Dan Peacock in his Sea Ray. The top prize went to Kevin Anderson flying his Cessna 182 on straight floats.
With a cloudless sky at the park on Sunday, we were able to share the day with guests who came to see the airplanes and meet the pilots. Thanks to Allison Wheaton, and Rick and Josh Kaskel who flew a beautiful pair of Republic Sea Bees, and Mark Fisher and Kelly Carnigham for providing morning rides with a free raffle drawing. The event was abuzz with seaplanes all day. At one point the park manager texted me and said there was absolutely no place else to park a car in the 10,000-acre state park. Seaplanes make people happy!!
Special thanks to the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, State Parks Administration, and the staff of Pokagon State Park, with leadership from Ted Bohman, manager, who was on duty for the event. Potawatomi Inn manager, Emily Burris, and staff, attended to our meal needs, and provided a complimentary meal for our pilots on Sunday.
The Lake James Association has sponsored this event for all 20 years running, along with the Steuben County Visitors and Tourism Bureau. The Herald Republican newspaper and WLKI radio provided coverage.