Published in Midwest Flyer – August/September 2018 issue
Hi Dave:
I wanted to say thank you for sending the magazines (which were distributed at “Minnesota Drone Day,” May 5, 2018 in Eagan, Minnesota). They were a hit! I think they were gone within the first hour. We had them at the Minnesota Drone Advocacy Council booth. We had a good showing of both drone enthusiasts and the more traditional radio controlled and manned aircraft guys.
We had a great day. We officially counted 364 people, but I know more came in and out after they stopped counting. My guess would be over 400. Not bad for our first year.
Thanks again for squeezing in the ad and for sending the magazines. It was just perfect!
Cheri Gagné
UAS Pilot & President – The Fly Girls, Inc.
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
EDITOR’S NOTE: The Minnesota Drone Advocacy Council (MN DAC) was founded in 2017 to help bridge the gap between drone operators, businesses and government in Minnesota. Membership is made up of recreational and commercial drone operators from Minnesota. The organization promotes the safe and legal use of drones in the state.