Hi Dave:
I thought you might be interested in the progress of my grandnephew, Aaron Wolmutt. If you recall, earlier this year I contacted you for information about flight schools in the Madison area. He flew with an instructor at Morey’s in Middleton, Wisconsin.
Aaron had budgeted $3,000 to achieve his license. His comment about finances was: “Finances were my biggest roadblock to getting the certificate. It’s a huge expense above all things teenagers do, like sports, saving for college, etc.”
I helped him financially using a negotiated “contract” that Aaron helped to write. It had to do with schedule, behavior and stated goals. I am amazed that he accomplished everything he set out to do, except to finish before the school year started because of schedule conflicts. He successfully completed his checkride the day before Thanksgiving.
Aaron was truly diligent, completing his checkride after 44.6 hours (way above today’s average). He is a senior in high school planning to go to the University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee next year. (He got word of his acceptance there the same day as his checkride!)
Aaron’s parents have no aviation background and they could not budget Aaron’s flying on such an intense basis at this time. His mom, Marcy, is a full-time student working to become a physical therapist. She was his first passenger and apparently liked the flight.
It’s a great aviation story, and I wanted to share it with you.
Marilyn Meline
Stanton Airfield
Stanton, Minnesota