Wilderness North is hosting two Canada Flying Fishing Trips For Pilots In 2015 to its “Miminiska Lodge” facilities, located 196 nm north of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Miminiska Lodge is one of few Canada lodges that have their own airports (CPS5, Runway 9/27: 2400 X 50 feet grass). Floatplanes are also welcomed!
This will be the 8th trip to Miminiska Lodge in which Dave Weiman of Midwest Flyer Magazine has participated:
“I have flown my plane to seven (7) different lodges in Canada that have their own private airstrips since 1981, and I keep coming back to Miminiska for a reason,” says Dave Weiman. “Miminiska is an easy day’s flight from most locations in the Midwest, the fishing and accommodations are exceptional, the water is easily navigable, and the maps the lodge provides eliminate the need for a guide. I also like the fact that Miminiska Lodge is only accessible by air. This will be our eighth trip to Miminiska and I am really looking forward to the pilot camaraderie, shore lunches and evening get-togethers and dinners in the main lodge. And yes, this is a great trip to bring your spouse or significant other.”
Participants have their choice of two trips at very reasonable rates!
(3-Night/2-Day Trip) August 10-13, 2015: Arrive at Miminiska on Monday, August 10, and depart on Thursday, August 13. Total price per person, including tax and boat insurance, is $1413.00 (2015 quote), if paid by check.
(5-Night/4-Day Trip) August 10-15, 2015: Arrive at Miminiska Lodge on Monday, August 10, and depart on Saturday, August 15. Total price per person, including tax and boat insurance, is $2260.00 (2015 quote), if paid by check.
* An additional charge applies if paid by credit card, and gratuity is extra.
Enjoy An Additional 1/2-day of Fishing At No Charge! Arrive by 2:00 pm on August 10, 2015, and fish that afternoon at no additional charge!
And that’s not all participants receive free of charge…. Each guest is allowed two (2) complimentary cocktails at the reception each evening before dinner, and enjoy Free WIFI Internet, Flight Notification Service, sauna, billiards, and satellite television.
Those who wish to arrive and clear Canada Customs in Thunder Bay the day before on August 9th to get an early start the next morning, may stay overnight at the beautiful Vahalla Inn at discounted group rates (see details below).
GUIDE SERVICE: Available with advanced notice, but due to the excellent maps provided showing the Albany River Watershed and location of each fish species, guide service is not necessary, saving as much as $250.00 per day per boat.
MEALS: The meals at Miminiska Lodge are nothing short of fabulous! Anyone who would like to either sleep in or enjoy morning coffee without feeling rushed may have breakfast served at any time between 7:00 and 8:30 am.
Participants will continue to meet as a group for shore lunch at “Shore Lunch Island,” but you also have the option of doing shore lunch on your own, or have the lodge pack a box lunch for you. “No one does shore lunches and box lunches better than the chefs at Miminiska Lodge!”
FIRST COME/FIRST SERVED: Space is limited, so you are encouraged to call Krista Cheeseman at Wilderness North ASAP to make your reservations: Call toll free from the U.S. at 1-888-465-3474.
Mail Payments To:
Krista Cheeseman
Wilderness North
PO Box 22012, Strathcona RPO
Thunder Bay, ON P7A8A8 CANADA
Wilderness North requires a $500.00 deposit from each guest, which is nonrefundable, but is a lifelong deposit. This means that you will never lose your deposit should you have to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances.
Valhalla Inn, Thunder Bay: $119.00 (2015 quote) per room. Reference “Miminiska Lodge Group,” booking code 150809MIMI. For reservations call 1-800-964-1121 or (807) 577-1121. QUESTIONS: Contact Dave Stasiuk at 807-474-0555 (www.valhallainn.com).
TRIP PLANNING: Information on flying to Canada, including possible ride sharing opportunities and U.S. and Canada Customs procedures, is available upon request. The ultimate responsibility for trip planning remains that of each pilot-in-command!
For additional information, email Dave Weiman at Midwest Flyer Magazine at dave@MidwestFlyer.com or Krista Cheeseman at Wilderness North at krista@wildernessnorth.com or call 1-888-465-3474.
Additional information is also available at www.WildernessNorth.com. Click “Destinations” and find a link to “Miminiska.” To read articles about past trips, go to www.MidwestFlyer.com and type in the Search Box “Miminiska.”
Disclaimer: The Canadian Fishing Fly-Out To Miminiska Lodge is a service of Wilderness North. Dave Weiman is acting only as a fellow participant on the trip, and neither he nor Midwest Flyer Magazine, Flyer Publications, Inc., nor their staffs and owners, or anyone else affiliated with the magazine, assume any liability for the participation of others on the trip or for the trip itself, and do not assume any liability for the reliance upon the information contained herein or elsewhere about the trip. It is the responsibility of each participant to verify all information prior to departure, including, but not limited to rates, regulations, airports, navigation and customs, and to seek information from a variety of sources including, but not limited to AOPA, EAA, Nav Canada, FAA, and U.S. and Canada Customs.