APPLETON, WIS. – An open house was held October 14, 2010, at Outagamie County Regional Airport (ATW) to showcase Platinum Flight Center, a new fixed base operation (FBO), which is owned by the airport.
“We are committed to the revitalization and future growth of corporate and general aviation at ATW,” said Marty Lenss, director for Outagamie County Regional Airport.
“An FBO in a community can be viewed as our front door. It is the first and last impression of many business people traveling through the Fox Valley. We will be putting our best foot forward with polished facilities and excellent customer service.”
Lenss said that his airport tried the traditional model for FBO services and it wasn’t working any more, in large part “because the economy turned everything upside down.” He believes having a municipal airport own the fixed base operation will become a new model for other airports that find themselves in the same predicament Outagamie County Regional Airport found itself in. “I want to help revitalize general aviation,” said Lenss, who is a private/instrument-rated pilot, himself. “We want to provide a good product for a good value.”
The former fixed base operation, Maxair, Inc., which continues to provide air charter services at ATW, found it challenging to provide the level of flight center services the community needed for future economic growth. Lenss explained that it was not an easy decision for the county to get into the FBO business, but a necessary one, and one shared by the county board.
Lenss continued to explain that many months of planning and preparation went into how Outagamie
County Regional Airport would reinvent and expand its FBO services.
“Platinum Flight Center will have many great new aspects. There will be concierge services for private flight crews and passengers, rest lounges, and a flight school that will be open to the general public with a state-of-the-art flight simulator,” he added. Platinum Flight Center has also developed a smart phone application that will allow the crews of inbound aircraft to arrange ground transportation, check gasoline prices, make hotel reservations, and select restaurants and local activities.
The Outagamie County Regional Airport staff also put many months of planning and preparation into how they would reinvent the current FBO building.
“We put a great deal of thought into the entire Platinum Flight Center,” said Lenss. “It really needed to be an outstanding facility so it would properly represent the Fox Cities and the surrounding area. This is just the beginning, though, as we will continue to grow our services.” The airport has developed a two-year plan to build a new, environmentally friendly building for their FBO on its south side. Ground breaking is expected in 2012. Self-service fuel is expected in 2011.
The response to the changes for the FBO has been well received by local business.
“Having a clean, modern, and updated FBO at the Outagamie County Airport, staffed by a first-class, service-driven organization, will be a very positive benefit for the businesses in our area,” says John Bergstrom of Bergstrom Automotive. “This move by the county in starting the Platinum Flight Center is a very necessary and positive step forward for our community.”
Express Air Services has partnered with Outagamie County Regional Airport to help support the FBO services, and Tailwind Flight Center will operate the flight school.
Outagamie County Regional Airport will have direct impact on fuel pricing and services. Lenss says this will allow the airport to better control fluctuating costs and other factors.
In addition to the FBO, the Platinum Flight Center includes the Tailwind Flight Center, an on-site flight school where students can also earn up to a four-year degree through Utah Valley University’s Aviation Science Degree Program. As one of the largest flight schools in Wisconsin, Tailwind Flight Center is also one of only three facilities in the state to hold Cessna Pilot Center Certification. This was achieved through having high-quality standards, and modern aircraft and facilities. The school also has state-of-the-art equipment including a Redbird full motion flight simulator, which has a fully enclosed traditional glass cockpit with a 180-degree wrap and visuals. Patrick Heil co-owns Tailwind Flight Center.
Outagamie County Regional Airport is home to many unique tenants including Gulfstream, Air Wisconsin Airlines Corporation, Charlie’s Specialty Detailing, and Fox Valley Technical College. Lenss is actively soliciting additional tenants, and companies that want to “partner” with the airport. He recognizes the importance of EAA AirVenture to the Fox Valley, and feels that the event can attract businesses to locate or relocate at his airport.
One person at the ribbon cutting ceremonies said to Lenss that his attitude is contagious. “Timing is everything,” said Lenss, who sees the economy rebounding.
Outagamie County Regional Airport offers passenger services from four major airlines: Allegiant Air, Comair (Delta), Midwest Connect Airlines, and United Express.
Aircraft owners can choose from ATW-owned hangars for rent or fully developed lease land with access to water, sewer, electric and natural gas to build their own hangar, both of which are conveniently located between runway 11/29 (6,501’ x 150’) and runway 3/21 (8,002’ x 150’).
For more information about Platinum Flight Center, Tailwind Flight Center, or Outagamie County
Regional Airport and services, call (920) 832-5268, email info@atwairport.com, or visit www.atwairport.com.