Junior Lindsay
Planning Program Coordinator
MnDOT Aeronautics
Published In The Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 Online Issue
The Minnesota Department of Transportation is updating the Minnesota State Aviation System Plan. The MnSASP documents the performance of the current aviation system and provides guidance for the future development of aviation in Minnesota.
The MnSASP is the aviation part of MnDOT’s Family of Plans. It will help achieve the Minnesota GO 50-year Vision that outlines what Minnesotans desire from the state’s transportation system and identifies key guiding principles MnDOT strives to achieve.
The MnSASP is being updated in two phases. Phase One was completed in 2019, and included an extensive Public Involvement Plan, an assessment of the 2012 SASP, identifying and analyzing trends that will impact aviation, identifying airport/system performance metrics, defining objectives, documenting inventory needs and other elements.
Phase One’s Public Involvement Plan resulted in several recommendations that will carry into the Phase Two effort, including reviewing trends, white papers and recommendations received from the aviation community through public outreach.
The Statewide Airport Economic Impact Study was also part of the Phase One update. The study analyzed the annual economic impacts generated by 126 of Minnesota’s 133 public airports. Data from the study was then used to develop an airport economic impact calculator to estimate how airport businesses and projects benefit local economies.
Phase Two of the MnSASP is underway now. It involves reviewing the results from Phase One, analyzing policy issues facing the state aviation system, acquiring and managing data to develop a MnSASP database and display dashboard, publishing a report of the MnSASP and developing a continuous implementation plan.
Throughout Phase Two, MnDOT will continue to solicit input and feedback through several focus area working group meetings that concentrate on specific areas of Minnesota aviation. During these working group meetings, MnDOT, FAA, airports, municipalities, and other stakeholders across Minnesota will work to identify opportunities for improvement and concerns with Minnesota’s aviation system.
Policy issues that are currently being analyzed include hangar availability and funding, airport entry/closures and crosswind runways. Results from these reviews, as well as feedback from the working groups, will be used to inform MnDOT Aeronautics guidance documents being developed now.
Additionally, the data produced by the MnSASP will assist airport managers, operators, owners, local and state businesses, aircraft owners, and the public by allowing for better planning and policy that continues to support a high performing aviation system that benefits all Minnesotans.
The MnSASP update is expected to be completed in spring 2022. To stay up to date about the State Aviation System Plan Update, visit the State Aviation Plan website.
To learn more about MnDOT’s activities, you can contact MnDOT at aviationplanning.dot@state.mn.us.