Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue
FORT WAYNE, INDIANA – Sweet Aviation, an airplane charter, flight training, aircraft rental, and aircraft maintenance company located at Smith Field Airport in Fort Wayne, Indiana, has added a Cirrus Vision Jet to their Part 135 Charter Certificate.
The Vision Jet is the “world’s first single-engine Personal JetTM,” according to Cirrus Aircraft with headquarters in Duluth, Minnesota. With seating for up to six passengers, the Vision Jet is designed to be a less-expensive and convenient alternative to traditional private jets.
According to Sweet Aviation, their Vision Jet which they bought in 2018, is the 25th Vision Jet built, and Sweet Aviation is one of only two companies approved to use the jet for charter.
Sweet Aviation is owned by Chuck Surack, president of Sweetwater, the world’s leading music technology and instrument retailer. Joel Pierce is general manager (