by Dave Weiman
Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine April/May 2024 Digital Issue
The Minnesota Aviation Trades Association (MATA) is the bonified representative of general aviation businesses in Minnesota, businesses which have a stake in the health and wellbeing of their customers – pilots, aircraft owners and passengers. MATA members want to do everything they can to ensure that the needs of their customers are met, by providing quality flight training and aircraft maintenance, fair and competitive fuel prices, well-
MATA has operated continuously since 1945 and has been involved in every major aviation legislation in Minnesota since. MATA is one of the oldest standing general aviation organizations in Minnesota, and quite possibly, the nation! Its nine-member/all-volunteer board of directors is all about member participation and is guided by its original vision and mission – to be the “voice of general aviation in Minnesota.” Only the strategy and practices have changed to match the times and conditions.
Board members understand – and appreciate – the industry, and are willing to share their ideas, knowledge, experience and expertise with fellow members, so they too can succeed.
Leading the organization is Mark Nelson of Hawk Aviation in Rush City, President; Joe LaRue of Prairie Air in Elbow Lake, Vice President; Nancy Olson of Thunderbird Aviation in Eden Prairie and Crystal, Treasurer; and Kreg Anderson of Alexandria Aviation in Alexandria, Secretary. Other board members include Joe Birkemeyer of NorthPoint Aviation in Brainerd, Tracie Walter of Bemidji Aviation in Bemidji, Mark Schwichtenberg of St. Cloud Aviation in St. Cloud, and Dave Weiman of Midwest Flyer Magazine. Gene DePalma is executive director.
MATA works closely with the Metropolitan Airports Commission, Minnesota Office of Aeronautics, Federal Aviation Administration, and other trade organizations including the Minnesota Council of Airports (MCOA) and Minnesota Business Aviation Association (MBAA) to address key issues in the state. MATA members lobby the Minnesota Legislature each year at “Aviation Day At The Capitol” and whenever an issue comes up during the year. Nationally, MATA makes its concerns known in Washington, D.C. as an affiliate member of the National Air Transportation Association (NATA).
When a business owner or manager joins the Minnesota Aviation Trades Association, they are no longer alone. They instantly become part of a larger organization, and are kept informed about issues that directly or indirectly impact them.
A huge benefit of membership is knowing that dues go towards MATA’s “scholarship program” and the promotion of the industry. Each year, MATA awards scholarships that can be applied toward either flight training at a MATA flight school, or a career in aircraft maintenance. Mentorship programs are available for those who are interested in a career in aircraft maintenance, and one-on-one among member businesses.
MATA-member flight schools include Academy College, Airways Aviation Center, Alexandria Aviation, Bemidji Aviation, Einarson Flying Service, Hawk Aviation, Minnesota State University – Mankato, Midwest Aviation, NorthPoint Aviation, North Star Aviation, Oasis Aero, St. Cloud Aviation, Stanton Sport Aviation, Thunderbird Aviation, Wells Aviation, Winair (B2W), and Wright Aero.
MATA’s website provides news and information that affects member businesses and their customers, and includes some history of the organization, and contact information. Periodic email notices are sent to members when more timely and urgent member action is needed.
“General Aviation Day”
Aviation is an important part of the transportation system in Minnesota. It consists of three distinct parts: general aviation, scheduled air carriers, and the military. General aviation makes up the largest part of aviation in any state, and generates a lot of revenue for both state and federal government through sales tax on fuel, airflight property taxes, and aircraft registration fees.
In addition, general aviation contributes greatly to the state’s economy and wellbeing through the services it provides the public, including air transportation, tourism, law enforcement, emergency search and rescue, medical transport, lifesaving and humanitarian missions, firefighting, aerial surveying and mapping, highway construction and traffic reporting, wildlife management, agriculture, power and gas line patrol; family entertainment through fly-ins, airshows, and tourism; and education through youth programs, such as EAA Young Eagles and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) programs in the schools.
Local airports and their businesses impact every community socially and economically in many ways that make them better. To shine a light on these contributions, MATA is proposing to designate one day each year as “General Aviation Day.”
Annual Conference & Membership Meeting
MATA holds its annual membership meeting in conjunction with the Minnesota Airports Conference each spring featuring nationally recognized speakers, and state and federal aviation officials. The conference rotates around the state each year to make the event more accessible to all participants. This year’s conference will be held April 24–26, 2024 at Breezy Point Resort, Breezy Point, Minnesota. To register, go to https://airtap.umn.edu/events/airportsconference/2024.
Within a 24-hour period, MATA hosts a “social” and its “annual meeting.” The social begins at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, April 24, at the Dockside Lounge. The annual meeting begins at 10:30 am on Thursday, April 25, in the Governor’s Room.
MATA members can limit their stay to one night, April 24, and depart following the luncheon on April 25.
To make your reservations at the Breezy Point Resort, book online using the group ID 409668: https://www.reseze.net/servlet/WebresResDesk?hotelid=1397. Book your room by April 3, 2024, and receive the conference rate of $159.00 per night, plus tax.
For additional conference information, contact Katherine Stanley at sell0146@umn.edu or 612-626-1023.
Questions pertaining to MATA’s social and annual meeting can be forwarded to Mark Nelson, MATA President at mark@hawk-aviation.com.
Attending the Minnesota Airports Conference and MATA’s Social and Annual Meeting is a great way for members to get to know one another, airport managers, aviation officials, and exhibitors.
How To Join
MATA encourages members to always maintain the highest of standards and credibility in providing goods and services. In fact, when a business joins MATA, it will receive a large plaque that can be displayed in its lobby, showing that the business is a member in a professional organization and in good standing.
Whether a fixed base operation, flight school, fuel operation, aircraft maintenance facility, air charter business, aircraft parts company or distributorship, or an aviation insurance company, it is eligible for membership.
To join MATA, simply complete the online application at https://www.mata-online.org/, or print and mail the application to the Minnesota Aviation Trades Association, Attn: Nancy Olson, 1600 West 82nd Street Suite 100, Bloomington MN 55431.
For additional information, contact Nancy Olson at 952-851-0631 (ngo@thunderbirdaviation.com).