Whether this is your first issue of Midwest Flyer Magazine, or your 250th or so, you will read about some of the most dynamic organizations within your state, region and the country, many of which have special sections in this magazine for the purpose of informing, educating and promoting their members and the industry at large. The actions these organizations take or do not take can affect your right to fly and your local airport, so it pays to stay informed.
Over the years Midwest Flyer Magazine has partnered with many aviation organizations and government agencies to help them reach you, the pilot, aircraft owner, aviation businessman or woman, aviation technician, educator, support service professional, and airport manager. While most articles in the magazine are intended to inform and entertain, these special sections presented by organizations contain essential news and information we all need to know: pending legislation, new requirements and procedures, industry trends, information as to who is doing it right, and what went wrong and why.
Organizations want to recognize their members for their contributions and achievements, publicize the work they do for the betterment of the aviation community, promote their organization and members, and educate members and non-members about important issues. The organizations we work with also wish to network with others, and we help them do that through Midwest Flyer Magazine.
Communicating with you is their mandate, working with them to achieve their objectives is our privilege, and staying informed is your expectation. Use this information to better yourself in aviation by staying informed and involved.
EDITOR’S NOTE: From “water ditching” to “Watergate,” we hope you enjoy this issue of Midwest Flyer Magazine. Your feedback is very important to us. Email us at info@midwestflyer.com. We read and respond to all emails and comments. Thank you!