SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINN. – Wipaire, Inc. with facilities at Fleming Field, South St. Paul, Minnesota, has been named the first factory-approved service center for the Quest KODIAK. Wipaire has a long tradition of providing turbo prop aircraft services for a variety of aircraft including the Quest KODIAK, having completed its certification on Wipline 7000 floats. The Wipaire engineering group is currently working on additional performance and convenience modifications for the aircraft.
“We are pleased that KODIAK owners will have access to a proven provider like Wipaire,” said Keith Anderson, Quest Director of Customer Service.
For 50 years, Wipaire has been engineering and manufacturing a full line of aircraft floats for all sizes of aircraft from the Piper Cub to the de Havilland Twin Otter, and has over 100 Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) for a variety of useful aircraft modifications. In addition, Wipaire provides aircraft maintenance, avionics installation and repair, custom interior design and installation, and exterior refinishing.
For additional information on Quest KODIAK service at Wipaire, Inc., contact Jason Erickson, director of maintenance: 866-277-1146 (www.wipaire.com).