Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue
APPLETON, WIS. – Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers made a visit to Appleton International Airport February 21, 2020, to sign a bill that will help the aviation business community. Evers signed Wisconsin Act 103 regarding liens for aircraft and aircraft engines. The governor says it will bring the state into compliance with FAA requirements.
“This bill will benefit Wisconsins aviation community by enabling Wisconsin buyers and sellers to utilize the FAAs registry before a transaction, potentially preventing costly legal disputes over titles and ownership in the future,” said Gov. Evers. “I am happy to sign this bipartisan bill today to bring Wisconsins laws into compliance with the FAAs requirements to help folks further enjoy this industry and pastime.”
Assembly Bill 611, now 2019 Wisconsin Act 103, establishes aircraft lien laws that conform with the Federal Aviation Administrations requirements by creating a separate lien process for aircraft and aircraft engines for any reasonable charges for services provided, such as repairing, storing, or servicing.