A 1953 Cessna 180 Skywagon owned, restored and being flown by Archie Henkelmann of Janesville, Wisconsin at Grand Teton National Park near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Henkelmann bought the aircraft in 1969 and has flown it extensively throughout the United States and Canada. Cessna introduced the Skywagon in 1953 as “The Businessman’s Airplane,” but the aircraft quickly gained a reputation for solid dependability and utility in the backcountry, and became known instead as the “Jack of All Trades.” The restoration paint scheme on the Cessna 180 Skywagon pays homage to the original 1953 Cessna livery and was done by Randy Effinger of Central Aviation, Inc., Watertown, Wisconsin. Jim Freeman of Helicopter Specialties, Inc., located at Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport, Janesville, Wisconsin, updated the radios. Both Effinger and Freeman are former students of Henkelmann, who was an instructor of the aircraft airframe and powerplant program at Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, Wis.
Jim Densmore Photo