by Dave Weiman
Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine December 2023/January 2024 Digital Issue
I’ve always been a believer in working one-on-one with my aircraft mechanic when doing our annual inspection. I’m there if my mechanic has a question, I can point out what might be wrong with my airplane, it is an opportunity to learn something about my airplane that might be helpful as its sole pilot, and it frees up my mechanic to focus on maintenance items of major importance.
I can assist in removing and reinstalling inspection plates, various parts such as the tail cone, wheel pants, and the seats, and in small shops, I can provide the extra pair of hands needed for some tasks, such as compression checks.
It is important that the owner does not get in the way of his or her mechanic or ask too many questions which can distract him/her and add time to the clock.
Speaking of the clock, saving money can also be a consideration, so long as the owner weighs all factors, such as time away from one’s regular job, and travel time from home to the FBO. If saving money is your only reason to participate in the annual inspection, it might not be reason enough.
Whether or not you participate in your annual inspection, it is important to establish a relationship with one mechanic and maintain good communications with that person throughout the year. And by having one mechanic responsible for the maintenance of your airplane, that person will know your airplane’s needs the best and will reduce the time needed to research your logbooks.
I will never forget when we were considering having a graphic artist at our printer design and layout the magazine. We met with that person for several hours, gave him previous issues of the magazine, and a folder with specifications, so he would know the basic layout. Even though we were on his schedule, on the spur of the moment, he decided to take a vacation. In response, the printer said, “No problem… We have other graphic artists who can fill in.” That would be the same as if you had an appointment with your primary physician for your annual physical and that person decides at the last minute to take a vacation and left you with a physician you had never met or who never reviewed your medical records. It would be better to reschedule your appointment. The same would be true for your annual inspection.