Archives: AOPA Great Lakes Report

Remain Vigilant, Educate, Promote & Protect!

by Bill Blake AOPA Great Lakes Regional Representative During the fall, I attended state airport conferences in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Similar issues were discussed at each conference. Concerns expressed included: the fact that no long-term funding had been approved … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA Great Lakes Report, Columns, Dec 2010/Jan 2011 | Leave a comment

Flight Schools Beware!

AOPA Great Lakes Regional Report – by Bill Blake An individual who lost a significant advanced payment for flight training at a now defunct California flight school has started a movement to increase and enforce stringent laws in all states … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA Great Lakes Report, Columns, Oct/Nov 2010 | Leave a comment

Statewide Aviation Coalition Holds Great Promise!

I really enjoyed participating in a panel discussion at the Wisconsin Aviation Conference held at Waukesha, Wisconsin in May (2010) with other national and state aviation association representatives on promoting aviation. Programs discussed were GA Serves America, No Plane No … Continue reading

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