Tag Archives: MnDOT Aeronautics

Phase Two of the Minnesota State Aviation System Plan Update Is Underway

Junior Lindsay Planning Program Coordinator MnDOT Aeronautics Published In The Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 Online Issue The Minnesota Department of Transportation is updating the Minnesota State Aviation System Plan. The MnSASP documents the performance of the current aviation system … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, February/March 2022, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments


by John B. Dalton MnDOT Statewide Navigation Systems Engineer Published In Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 Online Issue It’s 5 AM, and you’re beginning to hear the birds calling in the beautiful day as you sit outdoors sipping your morning … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, Columns, Columns, Columns, February/March 2022, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Flight Risk Assessment Tools and You

by Joe Anderson Pilot, MnDOT Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue As aviators, we know flying can be a highly rewarding activity. The sense of accomplishment which results from a well-executed flight is hard … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dec2021/Jan 2022, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Click, Click, Click – Nothing! Pilot-Controlled Lighting Tips & Reporting

by Casey Carlson Airport Lighting Coordinator MnDOT Aeronautics – NavAids Group Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue Most folks who are not involved with aviation wouldn’t know that a radio pulse sequence is used to … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dec2021/Jan 2022, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Airport Maintenance From A Pilot’s Perspective

by Chris Meyer MnDOT-Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine June/July 2021 Online Issue As pilots, we have a lot to think about when preparing for a flight. In fact, we’re legally obligated. The Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) regarding Preflight Action … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, June/July 2021, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

COVID-19 Cleaning & Disinfecting Protocols For Aircraft

by Chris Meyer MnDOT Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – April/May 2021 issue To say COVID-19 has changed our way of life is an understatement. Wearing face masks has become the new standard, families with children are adjusting to … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2021, Columns, Columns, Columns, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Spring Minnesota Aviators!

by Josh Root Assistant Director, MnDOT Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – April/May 2021 issue As I write this article, temperatures are far below zero and the decidedly non-gopher rodent in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania told me, there are weeks of … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2021, Columns, Columns, Columns, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What’s a hangar for, anyway?

by Tim Jarvis MnDOT – Aeronautics Published online Midwest Flyer Magazine – February/March 2021 When asked recently to write about hangar usage, I immediately thought back to my manager days at a local FBO in the early 2000s. Even then, … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, Columns, Columns, Columns, February/March 2021, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How Pilots Can Keep Airport Workers (and Themselves) Safe!

by Kelly Akhund MnDOT Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – June/July 2020 issue Have you ever flown into an airport and found workers on the airfield? Do you ever wonder if they are listening to your radio calls? Do you … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, June/July 2020, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Importance of Accurate Runway Condition Reporting To Winter Flying!

by Rick Braunig Manager, Aviation Safety & Enforcement MnDOT Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – February/March 2020 As I’m writing this article, the first snowfalls of the season are coming down and I’ve only started my snow blower for practice. … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Feb/March 2020, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment