Archives: Features

Fagen Fighters WWII Museum… A Flying Treasure Created By A Flying Family

by Jim Hanson Published by Midwest Flyer – February/March 2017 I’ve been to most of the big and famous aviation museums in the United States, and elsewhere. I love visiting all of them, and better yet, I’ve been able to … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, All Features, Destinations, Features, February/March 2017 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Vintage Beech Across The Big Pond

by Klaus Plasa Published in Midwest Flyer – February/March 2017 issue Sven Schlothauer of Eisenach, Germany, hired me to ferry a 1942 Beech C45H across the Atlantic Ocean, which they purchased from retired Northwest Airlines Senior Captain, Don Kiel, of … Continue reading

Posted in Aircraft, All Features, Features, February/March 2017 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

DC-3… The Good Ol’ Days

by Richard J. (Dick) Reilly Published in Midwest Flyer – February/March 2017 In his poem “In The Droving Days,” Australian Poet Laureate, A.B. (Banjo) Paterson, refers to a drover’s lame and aging old war horse nostalgically as “One of the … Continue reading

Posted in Aircraft, All Features, Features, February/March 2017 | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment