by Dave Weiman
Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine June/July 2021
Online Issue
In this issue of Midwest Flyer Magazine is an article on the award-winning engineering project completed by Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH) at Duluth Sky Harbor Airport in Duluth, Minnesota. Like many of the articles we publish, we provide a link to SEH’s website where they feature a video of the project, which brings it to life ( The video photography is exciting and educational!
The project involved rotating the runway by 5 degrees into Lake Superior, creating 7 acres of new land in the process.
Over the course of the 13-year project, SEH facilitated a complex environmental review, and a design and construction process that maintained the airport within and adjacent to protected and regulated natural resources. SEH was able to minimize impacts to airport users through a unique phasing plan, which kept the runway open through nearly all of the construction. In addition, SEH was able to avoid construction impacts to a 5-mile residential street, a historic lift bridge and Duluth’s tourist district by barging 210,000 tons (12,500 truckloads) of material to the site. When you watch the video, you will see how this material was utilized to improve the airport.
So, the next time you read an article in Midwest Flyer Magazine and see a “link” to a website, or in this case a “direct link” to a very well-done video, be sure to click it and be amazed and entertained!
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. (SEH) is headquartered in St Paul, Minnesota. Duluth is a port city in Minnesota on Lake Superior. The waterfront “Lakewalk Trail” passes along Canal Park, with views of the 1905 Aerial Lift Bridge. While the scenery and shipyards are enough to attract visitors, other attractions include the Lake Superior Railroad Museum, and the 1908 mansion “Glensheen” with its vast lakeside estate ( Also, with the elimination of most COVID-19 restrictions, the State of Minnesota announced that as of May 28th, there would no longer be attendance restrictions for indoor or outdoor events in Minnesota! That means greater access to the Duluth Airshow to be held June 26-27, 2021. The airshow will feature the U.S. Navy Blue Angels: (
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