The Challenge Was On!

Spot Landing Contest At Milwaukee Timmerman Airport
Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue
by Dave Weiman

It’s not often I get to participate in the aviation events I promote and cover for Midwest Flyer Magazine. But I thought the “Spot Landing Contest” September 18, 2021, at Milwaukee Timmerman Airport (KMWC), would be fun, so I challenged a few friends and participated.

I don’t think anyone was in it for the $200.00 prize money, but that added to the fun! Competing was more of a personal challenge for participants. The contest was sponsored by Milwaukee County and Spring City Aviation (formerly Gran-Aire) to promote safety and the airport.

We arrived at Timmerman by 10:00 a.m. for a mandatory safety briefing, with the contest getting underway at 10:15 a.m.

Each contestant was given two attempts to get as close beyond the white target line without touching it, and only the best landing counted. Any landing on the white line could not be counted, and landing short was also not acceptable. The pilot who landed closest beyond the line, won!

Pilots had their choice between executing a touch-and-go to reenter the pattern for their second attempt, or landing to a full stop, then taxiing back to takeoff again.

Power and flap adjustments could be used to make the most accurate landing, but flaps could not be raised unless executing a go-around.

Legitimate go-arounds were okay, as safety was the focus of the contest. But go-arounds were not to be used to cheat.

Jamming, slamming, or deliberately landing hard on the runway was not acceptable. Only normal, descent landings counted. The judges adjusted scores for any such landings that resulted in bouncing, side-loads or porpoising.

Only three aircraft could be in the pattern at any one time, and the judges’ decisions were final.

When it was my turn to compete, I contacted Timmerman Ground and informed the controller that I was in the contest and ready to taxi to Runway 04L (3201 X 75 feet asphalt).

Pilots taxied out in assigned groups of three to avoid congestion on the taxiway, but procedurally, there were no shortcuts. Pilots did their normal preflight checks and runups at the end of the runway.

The airport remained open during the competition, and participants got excellent cooperation from the tower. Transient aircraft were given the right-of-way, so as not to disrupt normal operations.

My best landing was good, but there were at least three pilots who did better, and they are to be congratulated. The winners were Phil Walthers of Whitefish Bay, Wis. at 13 feet, Zach Davies of Waukesha, Wis. at 14 feet, and Walter Bauer of Neenah, Wis. at 17 feet.

The event was livestreamed with play-by-play announcing at

Next year’s contests at Milwaukee Timmerman Airport will include a “Flour Drop Contest” on June 4, 2022, beginning at 10:00 a.m., and the “Spot Landing Contest” on September 10, 2022, also beginning at 10:00 a.m. Both events are free and will again include food and refreshments at no charge!

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