The Go-To-Guy, Always On The Go!

Darrel Walter Gibson
February 2, 1933 – May 24, 2024

Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine June/July 2024 Digital Issue

by Dave Weiman

Darrel Gibson

When Darrel Gibson’s son, Darrel Gibson, Jr., of Menominee and Eau Claire, Wisconsin, called me a year ago to inform me that his dad, who was a longtime friend and business associate, had some major health issues, I didn’t waste any time to call him. Darrel was in good spirits and rather than dwell on his health issues, I asked him for his help in solving an aircraft maintenance issue, something he was really, really good at doing. He liked the challenge and welcomed the opportunity. 

I hadn’t spoken with Darrel and Cleo since 2015 when they invited Peggy and I to join them when he was inducted into the Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame. In fact, they had so many family members and friends going, they booked a bus from Eau Claire to Oshkosh for the ceremony. Coming from southern Wisconsin, we drove ourselves, although it was tempting to fly to Eau Claire and take the bus with them to Oshkosh.

Featured on the cover of the April 1989 issue of Midwest Flyer Magazine was (L/R): Darrel Gibson, President of Gibson Aviation, Inc.; Eau Claire County Airport Board Member, Bob Sather; and Eau Claire County Airport Director, Burt Wright. The airport was renamed Chippewa Valley Regional Airport in 1992. Charity Zich is the current airport director. Dave Weiman Photo

Darrel was born in 1933 in Durand, Wisconsin, where his father owned an auto service station. After serving in the U.S. Army (1953-55), Darrel and Cleo moved to Chicago where Darrel attended airframe and powerplant mechanics school on Midway Airport and Darrel worked at United Airlines.

Darrel took his first flight lesson in 1951 at Badger Aviation in Eau Claire, attended Stout State University in Menomonie, Wisconsin, and vocational school in Eau Claire, where he took shop classes before joining the Army. Darrel went to work for Badger Aviation in 1959 and bought the business in 1961, when he and Cleo cofounded Gibson Aviation. 

After that, Darrel became a commercial pilot with instrument and multi-engine ratings and obtained his aircraft inspection authorization. Gibson Aviation provided flight instruction and charter, and became a Cessna dealer in 1962, and a Piper dealer in 1973.

As many fixed base operators do at general aviation airports, Darrel also served as airport manager in Eau Claire (KEAU) from 1961-1976, and made many improvements to the airport. 

The Gibsons raised six children (four girls and two boys) who were all involved in the family business while growing up. Add to that 13 grandchildren. 

Although Darrel and Cleo retired from aviation in 1989, the Gibson Aviation legacy continued when their son, Darrel, Jr., started Gibson Aviation in Menomonie, and now once again in Eau Claire.

Upon retirement, Darrel built a few airboats, and he and Cleo purchased and restored a 54-foot cruiser in Page, Arizona. The boat eventually made its way to Lake Superior.

Never to remain still for long, Darrel and Cleo got into the resort business on Red Cedar Lake, near Rice Lake, Wisconsin, and restored its 1906-vintage buildings. When not working at the resort, Darrel helped out his son at his shop in Menomonie.

When Darrel Gibson passed away on May 24, 2024, he was 91.

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