Hi Dave:
As the webmaster of the Michigan Private Airstrip Owners Association (MPAOA), may I post a pdf of your fine article (Oct/Nov 2012) at our website?
We are pushing for the addition of aviation activities to Michigan’s Recreational Use Statutes and have HB5341 in the judiciary committee right now. We are hoping for passage yet this year. I would gladly include subscription information and a link to your website with the pdf. Thank you for your consideration.
John Chapman
Michigan Private Airstrip Owners Association (MPAOA)
EDITOR’S NOTE: The goals of MPAOA are as follows:
1) Standardize local regulations governing privately owned airstrips by all categories of municipal governments.
2) Strive for official recognition by the Michigan DOT Aviation Division of the existence of privately owned airstrips.
3) Work to prevent unfair assessment, classification and taxation of privately owned airstrips.
4) Pursue local and state legislation to protect private airstrip owners from confiscation and encroachment of air rights brought about by actions of neighbors, utilities and other commercial entities.
5) Work to limit liability exposure for privately owned airstrips.
6) Work to get privately owned airstrips recognized and protected under the Tall Structures Act.
7) Work with the legislature, local governments and utilities to minimize hazards to private airstrips.
Steve Zelle, President