At South St. Paul Municipal Airport
SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINN. – Wipaire, Inc. will be expanding its manufacturing facilities at South St. Paul Municipal Airport. In a purchase deal closed in late February, Wipaire became the sole owner of the 65,000 square foot building it has leased a portion of since late 2012. Renovations will begin as soon as previous leaseholders move out of their leased spaces.
“International demand is driving our expansion,” commented Chuck Wiplinger, President and COO of Wipaire, Inc. “As we look to meet that demand and structure our manufacturing for efficiency, we are continuing to invest in our home area. This facility provides us with the ability to streamline aluminum float manufacturing, while allowing for future composites manufacturing.”
This purchase expands Wipaire’s manufacturing footprint by 78% and consolidates all manufacturing operations under one roof. Facility upgrades will take place over a
12-month phased plan to avoid impact on current and planned production (