Tag Archives: AOPA

GA Tenants Almost Forgotten In Airport Land-Swap Proposal

MILWAUKEE, WIS. – In April 2012, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors signed a resolution proposing a land swap to accommodate future operations of the Air National Guard’s 128th Air Refueling Wing. The resolution, which would provide the unit with … Continue reading

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A Storm Is Brewing

by Craig L. Fuller President & CEO Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Sometimes, even on a beautiful summer day, you can tell there’s a storm coming. In the world of general aviation, this is one of those times. The leading … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA, August/September 2012, Columns, Columns | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

News & Information You’ll Want To Know In Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska & Iowa

by Yasmina Platt, Manager AOPA Central Southwest Region Have you been flying much this summer? I have and I even flew around Sydney, Australia one day – a dream come true! What a hoot that was! I hope you submitted … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA, AOPA Great Lakes Report, August/September 2012, Columns, Columns | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

AOPA In Your Backyard

by Bryan Budds, Regional Manager AOPA Great Lakes Region Since AOPA renewed its commitment to an even stronger regional presence earlier this year, the association has greatly increased its activity across the Great Lakes and other regions. With the midpoint … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA, AOPA Great Lakes Report, August/September 2012, Columns | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Aviation Is Non-Partisan, Says State Senator

by Dave Weiman On July 14, 2012, I had the privilege of attending an AOPA “Pilot Mix & Mingle Social Networking Event” at Wisconsin Aviation in Madison, Wisconsin, hosted by AOPA Great Lakes Regional Manager Bryan Budds. If you have … Continue reading

Posted in August/September 2012, Columns, Columns, Dialogue | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

AOPA To Hold Regional Meeting In Madison, Wisconsin

MADISON, WIS. – AOPA Great Lakes Region Manager, Bryan Budds, is holding a “Pilot Mix & Mingle” social and networking event, Saturday, July 14, 2012 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the main conference room at Wisconsin Aviation, Inc., … Continue reading

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AOPA & EAA Need Your Help As They Seek Medical Exemption….

Register Your Comments Today! WASHINGTON, DC – Current FAA regulations requires all pilots to hold at least a third-class medical certificate to exercise the privileges of a private or recreational certificate. AOPA and EAA are seeking exemption to extend the driver’s … Continue reading

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Building Skills

by Craig L. Fuller President & CEO Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association For the past year I’ve been getting comfortable flying my Husky. When I bought the airplane it was a real departure for me. I’d never before had a … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA, Columns, Columns, June/July 2012 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Special Events & Legislative Issues You Really Ought To Know About In Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska & Iowa

by Yasmina Platt, Manager AOPA Central Southwest Region Since my last report, I have attended Missouri’s State Aviation Day at the Capitol in Jefferson City, spoke at the state aviation conference organized by the Missouri State Aviation Council (MoSAC) and … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA Great Lakes Report, Columns, Columns, June/July 2012 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Keep ‘Em Flying… Across The Midwest

by Bryan Budds, Manager AOPA Great Lakes Region Recently, AOPA kicked off the Keep ‘Em Flying campaign aimed at getting pilots up in the air. With summer upon us, and a cold, wet winter behind us, I cannot think of … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA Great Lakes Report, Columns, Columns, June/July 2012 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment