Tag Archives: Airport Improvement Program

Illinois To Update Its Aviation Systems Plan & Economic Impact Report

by Clayton Stambaugh, James Bildilli & Zach DeVeau Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue After nearly 25 years, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has embarked on a project to analyze the current Illinois Aviation System Plan (IASP) … Continue reading

Posted in All Features, April/May 2020, Features, Features, Government/Legislation | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Pardon Our Dust: Annual Airport Construction Update

by Hal Davis WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue Between planning, design and construction, airport projects often take several years to make it from inception to ribbon cutting. In 2019, we celebrated the completion … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Let’s Commit To Toward Zero Deaths In Aviation

by Cassandra Isackson Director, Minnesota DOT Office of Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – February/March 2017 While Flying Minnesota Airports, please add one word to your flight plan in honor of our commitment to TZD (Toward Zero Deaths) in Aviation, … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, February/March 2017, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The U.S. Senate’s FAA Reauthorization Bill: Drones & Beyond – What’s In It For The GA Community?

by Russell A. Klingaman, Esq. On April 19, 2016, the U.S. Senate approved its FAA Reauthorization Bill. The U.S. House of Representatives has its own Reauthorization Bill pending. The current FAA short-term reauthorization expires on July 15, 2016, giving Congress … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, June/July 2016, Unmanned Aircraft Systems | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

It is important that you know…

by Cassandra Isackson Director, Minnesota DOT Office of Aeronautics You, as an aviator, aviation administrator or manager, or aviation supporter, need to know how your aviation tax dollars are put to work for you in Minnesota. I think you also … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, February/March 2015, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , | Leave a comment