Tag Archives: eAPIS

A Flight To Canada… Familiar Surroundings From A Different Perspective!

by Dave Weiman Published in Midwest Flyer – October/November 2019 Issue Last year, I wrote an article describing my flight to Ontario, Canada to participate in the annual Canada Fishing Fly-Out to Miminiska Lodge. Accompanying me was an old classmate … Continue reading

Posted in All Features, Destinations, Features, Oct/Nov 2019 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

10 Planes To Miminiska

by Dave Weiman Seven years ago when my neighbor and I started flying to Canada, we were hopeful that such a trip would interest others. To be successful, we felt that the destination had to be to a remote location, … Continue reading

Posted in All Features, Dec 2011/Jan 2012, Destinations, Features | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment