Tag Archives: Senior Pilots

Letter From Bob Worthington

Dave: I  just finished reading the Dec/Jan issue (https://midwestflyer.com). Excellent, informative articles! I especially liked the insurance article by Victoria Neuville of Aviation Insurance Resources entitled “Despite Experience, Senior Pilots Are Charged Higher Insurance Premiums” (https://midwestflyer.com/?p=13910). Good info.   Bob … Continue reading

Posted in February/March 2021, Letters, Sections, Sections | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Despite Experience, Senior Pilots Are Charged Higher Insurance Premiums

by Victoria Neuville Copyright 2020. All rights reserved! Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine (online) – December 2020/January 2021 issue The saying goes that there are old pilots and bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots. After decades of … Continue reading

Posted in All Features, December 2020/January 2021, Features, Products & Services, Sections | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments