Archives: Columns

Can you carry a gun in your airplane?

by Bob Worthington © Copyright 2022. All rights reserved! Published In Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 Online Issue Can one carry a gun in a private aircraft? The correct answer is maybe, sometimes, it depends. This confusing response is because … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, February/March 2022, The Left Seat | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Crosswind Landings, Theory & Practice

by Richard Morey © Copyright 2022. All rights reserved! Published In Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 Online Issue You never forget your first solo. Mine happened nearly 48 years ago, March 24, 1974. I remember the day quite clearly. It … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, February/March 2022, Pilot Proficiency | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Making That Flight Safe As A Superior Pilot!

by Michael J. “Mick” Kaufman © Copyright 2022. All rights reserved! Published In Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 Online Issue A superior pilot is one who uses his superior knowledge to avoid situations that may require his superior skills!” A … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, February/March 2022, Instrument Flight | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

My Policy Says What?!: Understanding An Aircraft Insurance Policy

by Gregory J. Reigel, Esq. © Copyright 2022. All rights reserved! Published In Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 Online Issue Many states require that owners and/or operators of aircraft have insurance covering their aircraft and operations. At a minimum, states … Continue reading

Posted in Aviation Law, Columns, Columns, Columns, February/March 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

Family & Friends of the Right Seat

by Dave Weiman Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine February/March 2022 online issue When I recall my flights over the past 50 years, I think of the people who have flown with me in the right seat who are no longer … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dialogue, February/March 2022 | Tagged , , , , , | 7 Comments

Flight Risk Assessment Tools and You

by Joe Anderson Pilot, MnDOT Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue As aviators, we know flying can be a highly rewarding activity. The sense of accomplishment which results from a well-executed flight is hard … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dec2021/Jan 2022, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Click, Click, Click – Nothing! Pilot-Controlled Lighting Tips & Reporting

by Casey Carlson Airport Lighting Coordinator MnDOT Aeronautics – NavAids Group Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue Most folks who are not involved with aviation wouldn’t know that a radio pulse sequence is used to … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dec2021/Jan 2022, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Drones, Helping To Clear The Way For Airplanes In Wisconsin

by Hal Davis WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue For pilots, a freshly paved runway or new terminal building are airport improvements that are easy to recognize and appreciate. Conversely, obstruction … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dec2021/Jan 2022, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

From the Air and From the Ground

Article & Photos by Yasmina Platt © Copyright 2021. All rights reserved! Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue   The mountains are calling, and we must go… no matter how we get there! Although they … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dec2021/Jan 2022, Destinations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Airport User Groups & Crosswind Runway Ineligibility

by Kyle Lewis Regional Manager Airports & State Advocacy • Great Lakes Region Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Published in Midwest Flyer Magazine – December 2021/January 2022 Online Issue In a recent column I spoke of the importance of a … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA, AOPA Great Lakes Report, Columns, Columns, Columns, Dec2021/Jan 2022 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments