How To Avoid ADS-B Call Sign Mismatch

Published in Midwest Flyer – August/September 2018 issue

This is a detail packed article that every aircraft owner and every pilot should read.  This article is one of a number of great articles in the FAA Safety Briefing Magazine, Winter 2017-Spring 2018, edition. The article by Tom Hoffman, Managing Editor, FAA Safety Briefing, with the above title, begins with, “A name or aircraft registration number/call sign is critical to the integrity of the ADS-B Out system and defines who you are in the National Airspace System.”

I urge you to check it out right away. I am confident many of your questions about ADS-B will be answered and you will fly away with a lot of new and very useful knowledge. To download a free copy of the magazine, go to:                                         

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