Tag Archives: Cherokee 180

Each Best Speed For Your Airplane Serves A Purpose

by Pete Schoeninger Published in Midwest Flyer – October/November 2020 issue Q. Could you explain “best loiter speed” and how I can find it for my airplane? Also, where would I find information on “best power-off glide speed?” A. Best … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Pete, Columns, Columns, Columns, October/November 2020 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ways To Beat The High Cost of Replacement Parts & Avoid Mistakes In Buying A Used Airplane

by Pete Schoeninger Published in Midwest Flyer – June/July 2020 issue Q: What changes have you seen in the used airplane market since the Coronavirus Pandemic hit the U.S? A: As I write this (mid-April 2020), it is too early … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Pete, Columns, Columns, Columns, June/July 2020 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ask Pete!

by Pete Schoeninger Published in Midwest Flyer – August/September 2018 issue Q:  You warned a friend to hang onto paperwork indicating he paid sales tax when he bought his airplane, forever!  Why? A: If your friend ever moves to a … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Pete, Aug/Sept 2018, Columns, Columns | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments