Archives: Columns

The FAA Is Investigating Me: Now What?

by Gregory J. Reigel © April 2020 All rights reserved. Published in Midwest Flyer – June/July 2020 issue When the FAA receives notice and evidence to show that a certificate holder (mechanic, repair station, air carrier, pilot, etc.) may have … Continue reading

Posted in Aviation Law, Columns, Columns, Columns, June/July 2020 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Something Good Will Come From It

by Dave Weiman Published in Midwest Flyer – June/July 2020 issue By now, we have all sheltered in our homes and maintained our social distancing to the point we are no longer social; worn our facemasks whenever in public so … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, Columns, Dialogue, June/July 2011 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Training I Hope I Never Need To Use But Glad I Experienced

by Yasmina Soria Platt Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue I recently participated in Survival Systems USA’s Aviation Survival and Egress Training (ASET) 3 course in Groton, Connecticut, where we learned how to survive an unsuccessful water landing. … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, Midwest Seaplane Pilot | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

First-Ever Robotics Aerial Drone Competition For Middle & High School Students

by Chelsea J. Bladow Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue There’s a new buzz growing around the state of Minnesota and the nation. The buzz in this case is not the sound coming from the small drones being … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, Minnesota Education Section | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Fond Farewell

From Kathy Vesely Assistant Director, MnDOT Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue In the year 2000, already 22 years into my MnDOT career, I applied for a transfer to the Airport Development Section (ADS) of the Aeronautics … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, MN Aeronautics Bulletin, People | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Minnesota Airport Directory in ForeFlight

by Jim McCanney Aviation Representative MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue MnDOT creates a “Minnesota Airport Directory and Travel Guide” every year. Our goal is to provide the public with some general aviation information … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Discussion of Take Off

by Rick Braunig Manager of Aviation Safety & Enforcement MnDOT Office of Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue I hire pilots for our office and one of my favorite questions is: How do you know you have … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Meet Teresa Klein

Airport Land Program Manager WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue In October 2019, Teresa Klein joined the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), Bureau of Aeronautics (BOA), as the Airport Land Program Manager. Klein is … Continue reading

Posted in April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, People, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Pardon Our Dust: Annual Airport Construction Update

by Hal Davis WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue Between planning, design and construction, airport projects often take several years to make it from inception to ribbon cutting. In 2019, we celebrated the completion … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Grassroots Advocacy Takes Dedication, Education & Passion

by Kyle Lewis Regional Manager / Government Affairs & Airport Advocacy / Great Lakes Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Published in Midwest Flyer – April/May 2020 issue Grassroots advocacy. What do you think that means? One might picture walking door … Continue reading

Posted in AOPA Great Lakes Report, April/May 2020, Columns, Columns, Columns | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment