ONE The 2012 Aviation Maintenance Technicians Conference was held at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, March 19 and 20th. It was an excellent opportunity for more…
Tag: Janese Thatcher
MnDOT’S Janese Thatcher Named AMT of the Year
ST. PAUL, MINN. – Janese Thatcher, Manager of Aviation Education, Safety, and Training for the MnDOT Office of Aeronautics, was selected by the National General Aviation Awards Committee as the…
NATA President To Give Keynote Address At Minnesota Technician & Trades Joint Conferences
BROOKLYN CENTER, MINN. – The President of the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), Jim Coyne, will give the keynote address at the Minnesota Aviation Trades Association (MATA) and Minnesota Aviation…
Why Not Adopt Your Airport??
by Christopher Roy, Director Minnesota DOT Office of Aeronautics The Mn/DOT Office of Aeronautics has a program for airports and their communities called “Adopt-An-Airport.” Any public-use airport in Minnesota is…