Archives: Columns

Ask Pete!

by Pete Schoeninger Email your questions to Q: In your opinion, what are the “best” models of the major airframe manufacturers? A: Each manufacturer has made models for very different applications. No model is real good at everything. For … Continue reading

Posted in Aircraft, Ask Pete, Columns, February/March 2014 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

The Basics of Spatial Disorientation

Spatial disorientation can be defined quite simply as the inability to correctly orient oneself with respect to the earth’s surface. It is caused by a variety of sensory illusions. Pilots are especially vulnerable at night and in certain weather conditions. … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, February/March 2014 | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

As this new year begins…

December was filled with ice and snow, and we had extremely cold temperatures until mid-January. And now we are well into January and the temperatures seem…well, normal. It truly is all relative. Despite that, it is still a great time … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, February/March 2014, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Looking At The Year Ahead

by Cassandra Isackson Director, Minnesota Office of Aeronautics I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. Even though we have a number of cold weather weeks ahead, we can now begin to think about the coming spring. With that we … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, February/March 2014, MN Aeronautics Bulletin | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Meet Chris Egger

Environmental Analysis & Review Specialist Wisconsin Department of Transportation Bureau of Aeronautics In October 2013, Chris Egger joined the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s (WisDOT) Bureau of Aeronautics (BOA) as an environmental analysis and review specialist.  Chris is responsible for ensuring … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, Columns, February/March 2014, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Wildlife Strike Reporting

by Hal Davis WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics Controlling wildlife hazards is a constant challenge for most airports around the Midwest. In the last 30 years, populations of many large bird species, common to the Midwest, have increased. Among them, the … Continue reading

Posted in Airports, Columns, Columns, February/March 2014, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Ask Pete!

by Pete Schoeninger Q: The engine in my Beech A-36 is due for an overhaul. I am wondering about buying a turbine conversion. What do you think? A: What’s not to like about an engine that offers better reliability, much … Continue reading

Posted in Ask Pete, Columns, Columns, February/March 2014 | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Wisconsin Fly-Ins & Points of Interest

We all know Wisconsin hosts what is billed as “The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration.” Of course, that’s the annual EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. However, did you know several other airports in the state regularly hold fly-ins and air shows? For … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, February/March 2014, Fly-Ins & Air Shows, Wisconsin Aeronautics Report | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Minnesota’s Aviation Bill An Improvement

by Jim Hanson Manager of Albert Lea Airport Inc. Albert Lea, Minnesota It’s mostly good news! Eliminating the tax on aviation parts not only helps Minnesota airplane owners, but helps Minnesota FBOs remain competitive with other states and with mail … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, February/March 2014, Guest Editorial | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Sleep Apnea, Policy or Not!

by Dr. John Beasley, MD Aviation Medical Examiner, Professor Emeritus & Clinical Professor Department of Family Medicine, University of Wisconsin – Madison There’s been a lot of fuss in the past few months over a proposed change in FAA aeromedical … Continue reading

Posted in Columns, Columns, February/March 2014, High On Health | Tagged , , | Leave a comment